2019 Columbia Global Energy Summit – notable morning highlights
- EV: 2% of global auto sales last year. C.Zoi suggests this will change dramatically over next 5-10 yrs; here outlook is a function of demand for charging stations (EVgo).
- Steingart: promising chemistry re: batteries – NiCo, graphite, graphite/Si, pureLi
- Refreshing to hear a politician talk sense re: Green New Deal, Jay Inslee governor of WA
- Inslee raised several good points wrt both science & market potential, although I don’t think he was supportive enough re: nuclear
- EM panel: timely -discussion of Belt&Road Initiative. (next paper…BRI/sustainability)
- can’t underestimate impact of China. (2+26…is it working?)
- discussion in India: air pollution as a proxy of economic health? innovation? clean air driver for energy transition. price & affordability biggest issues…can it be met w clean nrg? linking needs of poor to clean nrg transition US (unsurprisingly) does not understand disparities
- As expected, emerging market panel most interesting. usually the case when practitioners driving discussion
- Chatterjee: power-sector emissions at 1990 levels, market-driven (fact check)
- later than I expected. AI (& blockchain) first mentioned at 11:33 (Goldman)
- Low carbon transition panel (starting to) scratch the surface in innovation and trade