Select Articles
Enhancing Performance through Data Science (w Abraham Wu). Climate Alpha Insights, January 24, 2024.
Climate Volatility as an Investment Tailwind. Climate Alpha Insights, January 23, 2024.
Climate Opportunity Awaits (w Parag Khanna), AFIRE’s Summit journal, September 2023.
Seeking Alpha through Decarbonization: A Closer Look at Battery Electric Vehicles. Climate Alpha Insights, August 16, 2023.
No Water, No Workers, No Chips (w Parag Khanna) Foreign Policy, August 4, 2023.
Climate Alpha Q&A with Dr. Michael Ferrari. Climate Alpha Insights, February 14, 2023.
Climate, Not Software, Is Eating the World. Wharton Magazine, March 29, 2022.
A Critical Examination of Artificial Intelligence. Wharton Magazine, July 1, 2021.
AI for Earth. Kate Crawford explores what AI is, not what it does. Medium, May 27, 2021.
The Global Economy Is About to Become the Climate Economy (w Sinéad O’Sullivan). BRINK news: The Edge of Risk, May 6, 2021.
Climate Change’s Effect on Flights. Wharton Magazine, Apr 26, 2021.
Building Better Sustainability Benchmarks. Wharton Magazine, Mar 31, 2021.
The slippery slope of ESG: balancing People, Purpose and Profit. Medium, Mar 17, 2021.
Runway risk: managing climate-based aviation turbulence with innovative data (w Sinéad O’Sullivan). Geospatial World, February 22, 2021.
The hard truth about climate change: the devil’s in the details (w Parag Khanna). Fast Company, December 3, 2020.
Geoengineering Is the Only Solution to Our Climate Calamities (w Parag Khanna). WIRED, September 20, 2020.
How to Live with the Pandemic (w Parag Khanna & Spencer Wells). Project Syndicate, July 7, 2020.
Diversity in Data Science. Essay in: Data Science and Business Intelligence: Advice from important Data Scientists around the World. June 2020.
COVID-19 and Food Security Challenges (with Raghu Iyengar). Wharton Magazine, May 19, 2020.
The Trillion-Dollar Question With COVID-19: How significant is climate on coronavirus transmission? (with Luke Shors). Think Global Health, May 6, 2020.
Analytics, Risk and Managing the 21st Century Supply Chain (with Raghu Iyengar). Knowledge@Wharton, April 17, 2020.
Analytics, Risk and the 21st Century Supply Chain (with Raghu Iyengar). Wharton Customer Analytics publications, April 8, 2020.
Systems, Sense and Sensibility. Medium, March 16, 2020.
Should Every Company Be Considered an Energy Company? World Energy & Meteorology Council, October 7, 2019.
Why Every Company is an Energy Company. Medium, September 17, 2019.
A Systems Approach to Global Agriculture Could Solve Food Insecurity. GreenBiz (republished from BRINK news), August 14, 2019.
A Systems Approach to Global Agriculture Could Solve Food Insecurity. BRINK news: The Edge of Risk, August 4, 2019.
2019 Indian Monsoon Progress — Agricultural and Water Watch. Medium, July 17, 2019.
Feeding the World Along the New Silk Roads (with Parag Khanna). Knowledge@Wharton, June 12, 2019.
The Rising Risks — and Opportunities — Confronting Global Agriculture (with Parag Khanna). Knowledge@Wharton, May 23, 2019.
Atmospheric Perils – A Teachable Moment. Medium, Mar 21, 2019.
The Future of Food: A Systems Approach to Global Agriculture 2.0. Medium, Mar 1, 2019.
Investing in the Anthropocene. Medium, Feb 19, 2019.
Brazil Sugar Under Bolsonaro. Medium, Feb 8, 2019.
Sustainability, STEM and the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Medium, Feb 11, 2019.
Data.Space 2019: What Lies Ahead? Medium, Jan 29, 2019.
Alternative Data in Agriculture Risk. Medium, Jan 28, 2019.
Agriculture’s Origins. Medium, Jan 24, 2019.
Blue.Space: Oceans, Pirates & Evolution. Medium, Jan 24, 2019.
Physical Teleconnection Analysis and Global Food Security. Medium, Jan 18, 2019.
Will 2019 be Sweet for Sugar? Medium, Jan 9, 2019.
Material Movement through the Biosphere: Industrial Ecology and the Circular Resource Economy. Medium, Jan 8, 2019.
Diversity in Data Science. LinkedIn. Apr 20, 2017.
Predictive Analytics Summit: San Diego. LinkedIn. Feb 23, 2017.
ReThinking Food: Agriculture Data as a Platform. LinkedIn. Nov 16, 2016.
Connections: Reflections on Cypher2016, Bangalore. Sep 19, 2016.
Space2.0 Takes Off. WiredGEO, May 9, 2016.
El Nino, The Indian Monsoon, and Agriculture. Seeking Alpha, Jun 10, 2015.
Decision Making Under Uncertainty. Forbes, Jan 24, 2014.
Decision Making Under Uncertainty. O’Reilly Radar, Jan 24, 2014.
Forensics in Space. WiredGEO. Feb 28, 2013.
World Sugar: Strong Production in Brazil and India. Seeking Alpha, Apr 24, 2011.
Weather Data is the next Smart Grid Opportunity. GigaOm, Mar 22, 2011.
Cotton: Increased Volatility for Traders and Manufacturers. Seeking Alpha, Jan 15, 2011.
La Nina’s Effect on Global Commodities. Seeking Alpha, Jan 11, 2011.
Monsoons and Metals. WiredGEO. Jun 22, 2010.
Agriculture Outlook Americas Conference. Seeking Alpha, Nov 14, 2010.
How the Deepwater Spill could affect Hurricane Development. Seeking Alpha, Jun 2, 2010.
Global AgInvesting Conference: Sustainability Opportunities. Seeking Alpha, Jun 25, 2009.
WIRED: Disruptive by Design Conference. Seeking Alpha, Jun 17, 2009.
Humbled at TradeTech. Seeking Alpha, Mar 8, 2009.
Biofuels: The Next Generation. Seeking Alpha, Aug 1, 2008.
Technical/White Papers/Opinion Pieces
Indian Monsoon Progress – Agricultural and Water Watch. 2019 ©Atlas Research Innovations (download)
Feeding the World Along New Silk Roads. 2019 (co-authored with Parag Khanna). ©Atlas Research Innovations and ©FutureMap. (download: Ferrari_Khanna_BRI_Agri_full)
Investing in the Anthropocene: Geography, Environment & Systems Sustainability, 2019. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Alternative Data in Agricultural Risk Management, 2019. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Agriculture’s Origins, 2019. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Physical Teleconnection Analysis and Global Food Security, 2019. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Global Weather and Climate Indices: Relationships with Agricultural Productivity, 2018. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Alternative Strategies for Commodity Pricing Models, 2018. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Review of the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season, 2017. ©Point72 Asset Management.
Downscaling NASA MERRA Data: Water and Agriculture Risk Management, 2017. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
Next Generation Agronomic Weather for Soft Commodities, 2016. ©aWhere, Incorporated.
Machine Learning and Climate Modeling: New Approaches for Downscaling Data, 2015. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
The Fallibility of Current Risk Management Methodologies: Applications to Agricultural Commodities, 2015. ©aWhere, Incorporated.
Forensics in Space, 2013. ©Atlas Research Innovations.
MERRA: New Uses for NASA data through the Giovanni Portal, 2012. ©Computer Sciences Corporation.
Seasonal Weather Forecasting and Satellite Image Analysis for Agricultural Supply Chain Management, 2010. ©Weather Trends International.
Satellite Vegetation Indices and the Indian Monsoon, 2010. ©Weather Trends International.
Extreme Weather and Society: A Closer Look at the 2010 Weather Events in Russia and Pakistan, 2010. ©Weather Trends International.
The Southern Oscillation and US Dairy Production, 2009. ©Weather Trends International.
Anticipating the Climate Black Swan, 2008. ©Weather Trends International.
Weather Risks to the Global Food Supply Chain: Australian Wheat, 2008. ©Weather Trends International.
Advanced Algorithms for Remote Sensing Agricultural Analysis, 2006. ©Mars Incorporated.
Using NDVI to Trade Agricultural Commodities, 2004. ©Mars Incorporated.
Contributing Author
O’Reilly Radar
Energy Central
Grain and Feed Trade Association
Seeking Alpha
Project Syndicate
Trader Planet
Gerson-Lehrman Group
Select Papers
Hague, M. J ., Ferrari, M.R., Miller, J.R., Patterson, D.A., Russell, G.L., Farrell, A.P., and Hinch, S.G. 2011. Modelling the future hydroclimatology of the lower Fraser River and its impacts on the spawning migration survival of sockeye salmon. Global Change Biology, 17, 87–98, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02225.x
Ferrari, M.R., J.R. Miller & G.L. Russell, 2007. Modeling changes in summer temperature of the Fraser River during the next century, Journal of Hydrology, 342, 336-346, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.06.002.
Rusch, D.R., A.L. Halpern, G. Sutton, K.B. Heidelberg, S. Williamson, S. Yooseph, D. Wu, J.A. Eisen, J.M. Hoffman, K. Remington, K. Beeson, B. Tran, H. Smith, H. Baden-Tillson, C. Stewart, J. Thorpe, J. Freeman, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, J.E. Venter, K. Li, S. Kravitz, J.F. Heidelberg, T. Utterback, Y. Rogers, L.I. Falcón, V. Souza, G. Bonilla-Rosso, L.E. Eguiarte, D.M. Karl, S. Sathyendranath, T. Platt, E. Bermingham, V. Gallardo, G. Tamayo-Castillo, M.R. Ferrari, R.L. Strausberg, K. Nealson, R. Friedman, M. Frazier, J.C. Venter, 2007. The Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition: Northwest Atlantic through Eastern Tropical Pacific. PLoS Biology, Vol. 5, No. 3, e77 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050077.
Ferrari, M.R., Circumpolar Remote Sensing Applications and the Implications for US Agriculture. Proceedings from the 9th Bi-Annual Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium, Seward, Alaska, May 2006,
Ferrari, M.R., J.R. Miller & G.L. Russell, 1999. Modeling the effects of wetlands, flooding and irrigation and flooding on river flow, Water Resources Journal, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Secretariat, United Nations, Bangkok, Thailand, 77-91.
Ferrari, M.R., J.R. Miller & G.L. Russell, 1999. Modeling the effects of wetlands, flooding and irrigation and flooding on river flow: Application to the Aral Sea, Water Resources Research, 35, 1869-1876.
PLoS: Currents, Disasters
PLoS: Medicine
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Geophysical Research